Technical Data


Material name SV‐S2 colour brown-grey
polyamide fleece
Weight 84 g/m²
Thickness 0.20 mm
Coating copper, nickel, phosphor, protective layer
Core filling copper, iron, protective layer
Shielding attenuation 60‐120 dB at 15 kHz ‐ 40 GHz
(MIL‐STD 285) average attenuation 85 dB
Resistance 5.5 mΩ/inch, at 20 mA test current (pressure-dependent)

Material name SV‐S5 colour silver-grey
polyamide fleece
Weight 80 g/m²
Thickness 0.18 mm
Coating  aluminium, protective layer
Core filling aluminium, copper, protective layer
Shielding attenuation 20‐40 dB at 500 kHz ‐ 1 GHz
(MIL‐STD 285) ) average attenuation 38 dB
Resistance 18 mΩ/Zoll, at 20 mA test current (pressure-dependent)

Material name SV‐S4 colour copper-red
polyamide fleece
Weight 86 g/m²
Thickness 0.20 mm
Coating copper, nickel, phosphor, protective layer
Core filling copper, lithium, protective layer
Shielding attenuation 80‐140 dB at 25 kHz ‐ 60 GHz
(MIL‐STD 285) average attenuation 85 dB
Resistance 5.5 mΩ/inch, at 20 mA test current (pressure-dependent)

Maximum width 1,400 mm (standard width 1,000 mm)
Combustability (DIN 4102 B1) non-inflammable
Resistances weather very good
oil and petrol good
aging excellent
solvents average
alkalis good
ozone good

Available flammability classes

Order details

  • Combustible SD‐RE‐BB‐S2
  • Incombustible at UL 94 – HB SD‐RE‐HB‐S2
  • Incombustible at UL 94 ‐ V0 SD‐RE‐V0‐S2

Example order details: SD‐RE‐V0‐15‐4‐4‐680‐340

Shrinkage and tolerances

  • At DIN 7715 Part 3 class E3 etc.
  • Tolerance of the profile shape +/‐ 0.21 mm
  • Max. shrinkage on 1000 mm > 0.19%
  • Length tolerance at DIN 7715‐P3 

Technical data

Compression from 5% compression linearity of the surface resistance
Compression ability up to 85% possible
Surface resistance 5.5 mΩ/inch
Shielding attenuation up to 120 dB – mean value 85 dB
Flexibility excellent, after compression decline in starting position
Temperature resistance ‐40°C up to 105°C (short-termed peak of 110°C possible)
Ozone resistance no cracks
Oil resistance more than 200%
Water absorption < 4%
Temper RE 42
Elongation at break > 300%

Shrinkage and tolerances

‐ At DIN 7715 Part 3 class E3 etc.
‐ Tolerance of the profile shape +/‐ 0.21 mm
‐ Max. shrinkange on 1000 mm > 0.19%
‐ Length tolerance at DIN 7715‐P3

Technical data

Compression from 5% compression linearity of the surface resistance
Surface resistance 5.5 mΩ/inch
Shielding attenuation up to 120 dB – mean value 85 dB
Compression ability up to 85% possible
Flexibility excellent, after compression decline in starting position
(residual deformation remains)
Temperature resistance ‐40°C up to 105°C (short-termed peak of 110°C possible)
Ozone resistance no cracks
Oil resistance more than 200%
Water absorption < 4%